Volunteering Information

We have lots of jobs for you to do at USHHC if you want to lend us a helping hand! You must be an adult to volunteer, however you’re welcome to bring your child along and they can either just hang out or help, too! If you end up volunteering, we will waive the $5 entrance fee as a thanks for your help (for those attending as spectators).

There are different volunteering options, some more detailed, some less. For details of each position, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Please select the job you’d like to assist with and we’ll get in touch with you about specific details! We can’t wait to share this adventure with you!

**Reminder: You are welcome to volunteer for more than one position, but please make sure your volunteer position(s) doesn’t overlap with any of your child’s classes if you want to be there to cheer them on =) **

We'd like to have a phone number on hand in case of any last-minute logistics changes =)

Descriptions of Volunteer Jobs

  • Set up: This is helping set up in the beginning before people arrive. Plan to come at 9 a.m.
  • Take down: Help break down jumps and clean up after participants leave. Plan to stay until 7 p.m.
  • Registration intake: Help competitors and attendees check in. As some registrants or guests may need to pay at the door, you may need to make change if necessary (which we will supply).
  • First aid station/tack repair table: Ideally, we’d love for anyone with medical experience/background to help with this station. We’ll have first aid kit available as well as (hopefully) a cooler with ice packs. This table will also have tack repair items in case entrants have issues. Plan to arrive at 9:45 a.m.
  • Sound person: (One for Junior Dressage and one for Grand Prix Dressage) We need one or two reliable people who are good with sound systems and can be available for the entire Jr./G.P. Dressage competitions to run music. We will need to be in communication with you prior to the day of the event.
  • Assistant: This volunteering job is an important one! You will be checking in with each Organizer once in a while during the event, taking messages to people if needed, and helping with any in-the-moment problems/jobs that the Organizers need help with.
  • Jump assist: Help with setting up jumps and resetting jump heights or poles that get knocked down during the class.